Antonia Peacocke
Antonia Peacocke
I'm a philosopher working on mind, action, epistemology, and aesthetics.
I'm a philosopher working on mind, action, epistemology, and aesthetics.
I've just written a book called Mental Means. In this book, I explain how we take mental means to our mental actions. When we understand this, we can see how a thought of one content-attitude type can belong to a wholly distinct content-attitude type too. For example, a judgment that Dawn is the best soap can also, itself, be a decision to buy Dawn. This gives us way of understanding token identity in thoughts of different types without having to make any implausible type-level identity claims (like a claim that all judgments of a certain kind are decisions, too). Using this framework, I explain how we can make judgments intentionally, how creative conception of new artworks involves agency, how mental images get tagged with deeper content in imagination, how we perform certain inferences, and how inquiry is unified as a process. Email me for a draft of the book!
I've just written a book called Mental Means. In this book, I explain how we take mental means to our mental actions. When we understand this, we can see how a thought of one content-attitude type can belong to a wholly distinct content-attitude type too. For example, a judgment that Dawn is the best soap can also, itself, be a decision to buy Dawn. This gives us way of understanding token identity in thoughts of different types without having to make any implausible type-level identity claims (like a claim that all judgments of a certain kind are decisions, too). Using this framework, I explain how we can make judgments intentionally, how creative conception of new artworks involves agency, how mental images get tagged with deeper content in imagination, how we perform certain inferences, and how inquiry is unified as a process. Email me for a draft of the book!
I've been an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Stanford University since 2019. Before that, I was at NYU as a Bersoff Faculty Fellow. In 2018 I got my Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of John Campbell and Barry Stroud.
I've been an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Stanford University since 2019. Before that, I was at NYU as a Bersoff Faculty Fellow. In 2018 I got my Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of John Campbell and Barry Stroud.